The biggest difference between a lathe and a mill would be the rotation of the part and cutting tool, they also differ in the structures, parts, operations, and more.
1. Different structures
The lathe is a fixed vertical horizontal tool moving machining circle and surface with the rotary tool of the workpiece. The milling machine is used to fix the blank and clamp the parts on the machine tool spindle through a three-grip chuck.
2. Different rotations
The lathe is the movement of parts around the axis and the cutter around the axis, while a milling machine is used to fix the workpiece and process parts through the moving fixture and milling cutter.
3. Different parts
The lathe can be used to process various internal and external cylindrical surfaces, internal and external conical surfaces, internal and external threads, end faces, grooves, knurling, etc. The milling machine can process flat surfaces, such as horizontal and vertical planes, grooves (keyway, T-shaped groove, dovetail groove, etc.), gear, spline shaft, sprocket, spiral surface (thread, spiral groove), and various curved surfaces.
Should You Select a Milling Machine and Lathe?
Which one should be selected for CNC machining? Consider its own advantages and the requirements of the workpiece to be processed. Overall, the lathe is most suitable for manufacturing cylindrical parts. The cross-section of the parts must be circular, and the same central shaft must run through its entire length. The milling machine can process cylindrical features, but if the part is purely cylindrical, the lathe is a better and more accurate choice. More sophisticated machines, such as Swiss lathes, can cut planar features and drill vertical holes in the material. However, these machines are still more suitable for cylindrical parts.